Oroua River

Oroua River

The Oroua River is of historical, cultural, spiritual and traditional significance to Rangitāne O Manawatū. The histories and traditions of Rangitāne O Manawatū such as waitata, korero and whakairo outline the connections Rangitāne O Manawatū have with the Oroua River. These histories link Rangitāne O Manawatū in this area to past generations and with the natural world such as Ranginui and Papatuanuku.

The Oroua River flows through the centre of Rangitāne O Manawatū Rohe with its source originating from the Ruahine Range.  One of the most significant qualities is the mauri that flows from the central Ruahine Range through the Rohe connecting the Range to the wetlands and sand country and finally to the Manawatū River.

The River provided essential travel and communication from the lower (Opiki Area) Manawatū River through the bountiful Taonui Swamps to the upper Rohe. The River was heavily populated in these areas such as Mangawhata, Tu Putaangi, Nga Whakaatu and Te Awahuri. The River was also a mahinga kai in its own right. 

Most settlements in this area had associated Urupa.

Cultural Landscape

The Oroua River flowed through a variety of environments almost covering a sample of landscape found within the Rohe. Forest cover of matai, rimu, miro and tawa grew from amongst the scrub throughout its course with areas of forests dominated by kahikatea with pukatea around wetlands and more sluggish streams. In some isolated locations totara predominated.

Large areas of the lower water course were covered with flax.  This fertile land also contained some of the richest food supplies in the Manawatū Region, with the most desired item being tuna which could be caught in huge quantities from the waters of the swamps adjacent to the riverbanks and streams. 

Significant Sites for Rangitāne o Manawatū

Name Description Name Description
Te Rangimarie Church/Marae Te Rua Te Eka Occupied location
Kohanga Kainga Te Waita Occupied location
Okehu Kainga Te Whanua Upainga Occupied location
Te Hoiere Kainga Tiroriki Occupied location
Te Kopane Kainga Ture Onga Occupied location
Te Mauhau Kainga Whakaito Occupied location
Te Putanga Kainga Mangawhata Pa
Te Rua Puha Kainga Puketotara Pa/Urupa
Apiti Occupied location Rata Pa/Urupa
Hokorua Occupied location Whitirea Pa
Komata Occupied location Te Pukakura Swamp
Parimunakau Occupied location Te Roto Nui A Hau Swamp
Pariroa Occupied location Te Roto Apa Moana tuna
Pariwharariki Occupied location Hikatoto Urupa
Pate Occupied location Whitirea Urupa
Te Kai Rakau Occupied location More ehu Urupa
Te Kirihapuki Occupied location Rangiotu Papa Kainga/village
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